The mozzies are out to get me again! You may remember that I posted on Charmed Craft Talk forum about some huge mosquito bites I had all over my body, well it's happening again! Over the last two nights some horrible little critter has sunk it's spikey thing into me and sucked out 5 pints of blood! It's a miracle I'm still standing! They are not like your average mozzie bite, these spread and are about 5" across! To add insult to injury the little b**t**d has gotten me twice on the face! Once on the forehead and once on the cheek!! I'm going after it with a shotgun with the lights are out!!
I have gone digi mad, and constantly scouring the Internet for graphics. I'm very much into the grungy look and get a lot of my graphics from Weeds and Wildflowers Design
I had another little play and here are a few more LO's. I love that picture of Diana so used it again here. The picture of the girls is an old old one, but I just love the way their hair form a perfect heart.

Stunning - going for a look at that site RIGHT NOW!
ps Hope the bites clear up soon - nasty critters!
Fab LOs Karen. You have really got the digi bug.
Wow! you really have the hang of this digi art don't you? They are both gorgeous but I especially like the Dianna one, it's just perfect!
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