Not written for a few days but really all I have been doing is work, work and work! It's been incredibly busy since the start of 2007 - long may it lasts!
My girls (Aimee 10 and Amber 8) really enjoyed the snow whilst it was here (one day!), I took a few pictures of them in the snow and will have to get my scrapping hat on again soon to capture these rare moments. Shame it was on a working day or I would have taken the girls sledging. I have a sledge that sits unused in the shed! I remember my childhood days in Denmark where we would go sledging, ice skating, build snowmen and igloos all throughout the winter months! We used to wade to school thigh-high in snow! These days global warming have well and truly put paid to all the masses snow in Denmark, it's a crying shame!
And so it is almost Valentines Day. Not sure if I agree with celebrating this day although the sentiment is OK. Show someone you love them - shouldn't you do that every day? Does a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates from your guy make up for a year of sitting on the sofa issuing commands? Not speaking from experience here but I know many women with a bloke like that! It's nice for the teenagers of course who could send a card to someone they secretly fancy. When I had my other shop I always got lots of Valentines cards through the door from secret admirers. I must admit that I secretly enjoyed that. I of course imagined they were from dark, tall, handsome hunky strangers - on reflection they were probably from a bunch of spotty teenage boys having a laugh!
Anyways, I have been having a bit of a relaxing Sunday morning (slap my wrist!) and made some Valentines cards for the site. Here are some of them.