April snow showers more like! There we were all snug and warm and thinking Spring was well and truly here and then we awake to a white wonderland! I'm not complaining mind as it brought a huge smile to both of my girls' faces and I was dragged out of my warm and cosy bed at 7 o'clock this morning to behold this miracle. It is the first time I have seen snow on the blossoms on my Cherry Blossom tree. Wont last of course but it's fab whilst it's here. The flakes are large and soft and settling nicely at the moment.
Have you heard about the latest addition to Charmed? She is called Dottie and is available for download on our shopping site, Created by the ultra talented Louise Brigden she is soon to be joined by George, a proper little rascal who will melt your heart. Here's a creation by Lou featuring the lovely Dottie.
Isn't she adorable??
Well the Basic Grey came in and so did half of my Queen & Co CHA order. The other half is coming Tuesday; why they couldn't send as one consignment I will never know, twice the handling fees etc - what a pain! Prima Marketing are taking their time and it hasn't even been shipped yet! I do hate waiting, I really do! Here's a taster of what's coming: