It's cold! It is so cold that I am sitting enveloped in my trusty blanket as we speak!! It started out alright with sunshine and warm weather this morning, but come lunchtime it was bucketing it down and it was only a warm coat, gloves and scarf that could keep the cold at bay!
Nevertheless my girls ventured to Brighton with their dad today. They didn't seem to have found it cold and even paddled in the sea!! They don't get their stamina from me - although I did use to be able to run about with hardly anything on and not feel the cold.
What is it with Brighton and traffic btw, it took them an hour to get there but almost FIVE hours to get back! Almost two hours of that was going from the car park about 2 miles down the road! Tired and suffering badly from road rage they arrived back at 8pm this evening. I of course snatched the camera our of their cold quivering hands and made up a couple of digi layouts straight away from two great pictures - never mind seeing to their needs; priorities and all that, right girls? ;o)